
What Your Language Usage Says About You Link to heading

Taken from my current Github profile

The below information has been generated with ChatGPT4o

Go (39.4%) Link to heading

  • Pragmatic and Performance-oriented: You value performance and efficiency. Go is known for its simplicity and speed, indicating that you prefer languages that get the job done with minimal fuss and maximum efficiency.
  • Modern Developer: Go is a relatively newer language, which suggests you keep up with modern trends in software development.
  • Systematic and Clean Code Enthusiast: Go’s syntax enforces clean and maintainable code. You likely appreciate clarity and simplicity in your codebase.

C# (20.87%) Link to heading

  • Versatile and Enterprise-focused: C# is often used in enterprise environments and for building a wide range of applications, from desktop to web to mobile.
  • Structured and Robust Code: C# encourages structured programming and object-oriented practices, indicating that you value robust and scalable code architectures.
  • Microsoft Ecosystem Proficiency: You are likely proficient in the Microsoft ecosystem, leveraging tools and frameworks like .NET.

JavaScript (17.83%) Link to heading

  • Front-End Development: JavaScript is the backbone of web development, indicating you have a strong focus on creating interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
  • Versatile and Adaptable: JavaScript’s versatility shows that you are adaptable and capable of working on both front-end and back-end tasks.
  • Trend Follower: Keeping up with the ever-evolving JavaScript ecosystem requires staying updated with trends and new libraries or frameworks.

TypeScript (11.56%) Link to heading

  • Type Safety Advocate: TypeScript’s static typing system suggests you prioritize type safety and reducing runtime errors.
  • Scalable Code Enthusiast: Using TypeScript indicates a focus on writing scalable and maintainable code, often in larger projects.

Zig (4.7%) Link to heading

  • Experimental and Cutting-edge: Zig is a newer language focused on performance and safety. Your use of Zig indicates an interest in exploring new technologies and methodologies.
  • Low-level Programming: Similar to Go, Zig provides control over low-level details, suggesting you have an interest in systems programming.

Assembly (2.32%) Link to heading

  • Low-level Understanding: You have a deep understanding of how computers work at a low level.
  • Performance Optimizer: Writing assembly code is often about optimizing performance-critical sections of your applications.

PowerShell (1.99%) Link to heading

  • Automation Expert: You are likely skilled in scripting and automation, particularly within Windows environments.
  • System Administration: PowerShell is a powerful tool for managing systems, indicating proficiency in system administration tasks.

Makefile (0.53%) Link to heading

  • Build Process Management: You are familiar with automating the build process, often in C/C++ projects or other compiled languages.
  • DevOps Inclination: This suggests a role or interest in DevOps practices, focusing on efficient software build and deployment processes.

PHP (0.52%) Link to heading

  • Web Development: PHP is primarily used for web development, showing experience in building and maintaining web applications.
  • Legacy System Maintenance: PHP’s long history means you might be maintaining or upgrading existing systems.

Dockerfile (0.29%) Link to heading

  • Containerization Proponent: You are likely familiar with containerization and deploying applications in Docker containers.
  • Modern Deployment Techniques: This indicates a modern approach to software deployment and infrastructure management.

Overall, your updated language usage reflects a well-rounded developer with a balance of front-end and back-end skills. The inclusion of Zig suggests you are open to exploring new and emerging languages, while the continued use of assembly indicates a deep understanding of low-level computing. Your proficiency in both high-level and low-level programming shows versatility and a strong foundation in computer science principles.